5 great apps for the French classroom

5 great apps to use in the French classroom

Technology can be a great learning tool. With proper use, it can enhance a lesson by easily adding different media (such as videos, songs, and images) and it can be engaging for students to create evidence of their learning in a new way.

I try to use technology where appropriate in my FSL classroom. We are lucky enough to have several classroom sets of ipadsipods and Google Chrome books available for use through the generosity of our parent council. Teachers can sign out the technology (stored in labelled tubs) and the older students have organized a ‘tech club’ and they are responsible for delivering the devices to the appropriate classrooms. It is a great system! 

Benefits of technology use in the French classroom

I have found that my students are more confident in practicing speaking in French when they get to record themselves first and then listen to playback.  They are also proud of the designs they create when asked to assemble a digital poster to demonstrate their learning, and they can easily share photographs with me to demonstrate their learning. I have an ipod touch on a lanyard that I wear around my neck and students can ‘airdrop’ their work to me in a flash! 

5 of my favourite apps for FSL learners

I have tried many apps with my students in grades 3-8 and I will share my reviews and details for 5 of the best apps that I have found for the French classroom below.

App #1- Puppet Pals/Puppet Pals 2(FREE with in-app purchases)
Puppet Pals is a user-friendly app that allows users to create a record their own short animated videos. This is useful for creating story retellings, recording scripts, and practicing oral communication in the target language. The free version offers a limited experience, but it is still useful for students to create quality projects. This app is appropriate for use with all learners.

App #2- Pic Collage (FREE)
Pic Collage, Pic Collage for kids, and Pic Collage Edu are intuitive apps that allow users to create a photo collage, add text, stickers and fun backgrounds. This is a great alterative to making a poster to demonstrate learning. Students can use photos that they take, or photos from the internet and add text.  The finished products can be emailed or sent via airdrop to the teacher. Students can save the finished design on their device and share with the class. This app is appropriate for use will all learners.

App #3- BrainPOP: Film du Jour(FREE with in-app purchases)
BrainPop:Film du Jour app is an excellent resource for listening comprehension for students in grade 5 and up. Offering a FREE daily video on math, art, music, history, geography, science and technology topics which are accessible through the app. They also offer a corresponding comprehension quiz to accompany their videos. There are additional videos available for purchase as well.

App #4- Kahoot(FREE with in-app purchases)
I can’t deny it- I get incredibly excited when it is KAHOOT day, and so do my students. You get to design your own interactive quiz game for your students using any topic. The game acts as a multiple choice quiz that can be played using laptops, or any interactive device. Students work alone or in teams to answer the questions in a given amount of time. It’s great for review, or introducing a new topic. This app is appropriate for all learners.

App #5- Who is it? Guess it! Classic (FREE)
This app offers a classic game of Guess Who! which is great for practicing asking questions and descriptive vocabulary. The game downloads in English, but access the app settings and select French as the language for the French version. Have students play in pairs on their device or project on your digital whiteboard to play as a class! Suitable for all learners.

Ready to try some of these apps in your classroom? The above apps can be downloaded in the app store on your devices (most are FREE!). Do you have some terrific apps that you love to use in your classroom? Tell me about them in the comments section below!

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